New Edition. Nature's Unbalance: The Chosen by Andrea Buginsky Book 2
Nature’s Unbalance: The Chosen, book 2
New Edition!

Finally re-releasing with a beautiful new cover!
During a time of celebration for The Chosen, a mysterious force appears on Phantasma, threatening to destroy Nature and all of her creatures. Will The Chosen find and defeat this force and save Nature before it’s too late?
“It’s Gastle! He’s back!”
“That’s impossible! This must be a new monster.”
“Perhaps it’s Gastle’s descendants seeking revenge for his death.”
“Or an old enemy trying to replace him on the throne.”
“Everyone, please, stay calm,” Striker spoke up. As the head of The Chosen, he normally took command, and it was accepted by those around him. “Let’s try to get some answers before we make assumptions.” He turned to the druids and shamans, who talked animatedly with each other while they pointed to the dark sky. “Red, any idea what this is?”
“It’s definitely not Gastle, or any other creature in Phantasma. There’s something off with the elements. Whatever caused this is a natural entity and comes directly from Nature herself. There is a definite shift, and it’s unbalanced. We can all sense it.”
“Any idea what it could be?”
“No, but the strongest feelings we received are coming from the North, in the Polard region. We need to go there and see the situation for ourselves.”
Halli glanced at Queen Laurali who stood nearby and listened to the conversation between Striker and Red. The queen came toward the group, and Halli knew what she would say.
“I know this is a day of great celebration,” the Queen said, “but under the circumstances, I think it would be best if The Chosen headed out at once to seek some answers.” She turned toward the bride and groom. “Halli and Silvor, I will send a replacement healer and mage, of course, so you two can start your honeymoon. Until we know more, there’s no reason for you to cancel your plans.” But Halli and Silvor wouldn’t hear of it.
“We go with our family,” Silvor said. Halli nodded in agreement. “We can celebrate our honeymoon once we know what’s happened.”
Queen Laurali bowed her respect to them. “Very well,” she said. “The Chosen, in its entirety, will head out right away toward Polard to see what you can find out. You may change in my tower while your horses are prepared.”
Author Bio:
Andrea Buginsky is a freelance writer and author. The Chosen, a middle-grade fantasy novelette was her first book, and was followed by My Open Heart, an autobiography about growing up with heart disease. Andrea released Destiny, the first book of her New Avalon series, in 2013. She is currently working on more books in both series. You can find Andrea on her website. Her books are available at Amazon. Remember to sign up for Andrea’s newsletter to stay up-to-date on all of her exciting events.Where to find and connect with Andrea:
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