Take a Chance
Hey, I’m reblogging an article from my website. My
site is kinda, sorta new. I just had it redesigned. My thinking on it was, this
site you’re on now, will mainly be for promoting my fellow authors, and my
website will be for my books, writing, etc. We’ll see if it’s a waste of time
or not. I’m going to give it 3 to 6 months. If nothing becomes of it, I’ll shut
it down and keep this site instead.
Anyway, here’s the post I wrote tonight on my website:
I’ve been pondering over what to blog about. I spoke
to a fan of mine, and she said to write about myself. She as a reader loves to
learn things about her favorite author, so I decided to tell you about a
humongous life changing decision me and my husband made and acted upon eleven
years ago.