Quick Update

12/07/2012 , , 0 Comments

I’ve been crazy busy this week at work which has put me behind in my writing stuff. But here’s a quick update on where I am on my continuous writing and publishing journey . . .

1.) My editor finished editing DARK SPIRITS and now the manuscript is resting until I decide to read it one more time before I get it formatted. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my work and want my manuscript to sparkle--like Edward Cullens does on a sunny day--before I publish it. I think I’ll start reading it sometime next week.

2.) This week I’ve been reading over what I have written in my third book to my YA paranormal series. The rough draft is only halfway done; however, I wanted to read what I have so far before I finish drafting it. Because frankly, it’s been months since I’ve worked on it, and I need to get reacquainted with the story. I’ve forgotten some of the things I’ve written, and I’m having fun reading it.

3.) I’m still trying to figure out this whole marketing thing. Did you know you’re only suppose to spend 30% of your time marketing and 70% of your time writing? I’ll have to work on that.

4.) Last weekend I finally did a Facebook author page, thanks to an author friend of mine who gave me the push to do so. I was afraid it would eat up more of my time, which I have very little of, but it hasn’t. Honestly, I have to admit, I really like it. I’ve been meeting other authors through liking their Facebook author pages.

If you’re an author, I strongly suggest doing a Facebook author page. After you do it, go to World Literary Caf
é. Here’s the link: http://www.worldliterarycafe.com/
Join their site and click on Facebook Likes. There’s a huge list of authors you can click on and like their Facebook page, and if you’re lucky they’ll return the favor. Once you like their pages, you get their posts and that’s how you connect with them. I think. It’s fun, and I love connecting with other authors. Here’s my Facebook author page link: http://www.facebook.com/RebekkahFord2012
I’d appreciate it if you would check it out and click the like button. As of this moment, I’m almost to 100 likes, which rocks. :)

5.) I’m doing a giveaway on Goodreads, as you can see on the side of this post. I’m giving away two signed paperback copies of BEYOND THE EYES with a cool bookmark to go with it. It’s free to enter and really easy to do. In fact, if you go to Goodreads and click on their giveaways, it’s like being in a candy store–at least for me it is. There are tons and tons of book giveaways you can enter. It’s awesome.

6.) I’ve been working with my cover artist, and I’m hoping it’ll be done when I’m ready to format DARK SPIRITS.

7.) I met an author who is totally cool. Her name is Rysa Walker. I just bought her book TIME’S TWISTED ARROW and will be doing a book review for her. You can check out her book here:


She bought my book as well and will be reviewing it.

Authors helping authors. Isn’t it great?