One Foot in Front of The Other

1/20/2012 , , 0 Comments

This week has been super busy for me. The health issue is still up in the air and is going to be that way for a while, so let’s move on . . .

I’ve been struggling for days on a blurb for the back cover of my book. I was SO frustrated yesterday that I almost gave up.


As I’m writing this post, I’m still working on the stupid blurb. I thought a query letter was a bitch to write, but for me, writing the blurb is much worse.

That’s one of the disadvantages of self-publishing–you have to write your own stinkin’ blurb. I’m just glad I have a critique partner to go over it, and of course there’s Absolute Write. The writers there are wonderful.

I love them.

They’ve been helping me with the blurb, but I’ll admit, a couple of them had me second guessing my book, which added to my frustration and had dissolved me into that ‘screw the whole thing’ kind of mood I was talking about.

When I told Kevin I should just forget about my dream of becoming a novelist because now I was questioning my story (even though I love it and so did my critique partner), wondering if it was good enough, he frowned, shook his head, and made a gesture like he was slapping me on the head. He reminded me that I needed to have a thick skin in this type of business and assured me things would get better.

*Big sigh*

God, I hope he’s right.

What am I saying?

I know he’s right.

Agonizing over this blurb will be a distant memory in a month or two. As for the thick skin, he’s right about that too. Every writer/artist receives some form of criticism, so I need to buck-up and expect that. I also I need to keep in mind that at least my book(s) won’t be on the shelf collecting dust, as well as the ultimate goal: keep writing books and publishing them.

Besides me painstakingly writing a blurb, I have made some good progress this week toward my self-publishing goal.

I have two editors I’m checking into. I also had been contemplating on learning how to copyedit myself.

I like the idea of doing everything on my own (editing and formatting) because I hate relying on other people, not that I don’t appreciate their help.

I totally do.

I just think it would be better if I did it myself. The thing is though, I don’t know how I can learn how to format my book to Kindle, epub, and POD. Unless, I write a short story and practice with that.

I don’t know.

I wish there was a class I could take on it.

Anyway, I found somebody to format my manuscript to Kindle, ePub, and POD through Createspace.


Another thing I did this week was a lot of research on self-publishing. It’s time consuming, but I do enjoy learning about it, which I still have A LOT to learn.

Oh, and I joined the Kindle boards this week and everybody is so nice there.

I love the writing community.

It makes me happy.


Since I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy now, I’ll bid you a farewell. . .

Um, just until Monday though.

HAPPY FRIDAY! Enjoy your weekend and be safe. :)
Rebekkah Ford