Keeping Up

3/26/2012 , , 0 Comments

I have twenty-four chapters in ‘Beyond the Eyes.’ My editor is on the twelfth one, and he’s doing a wonderful job. So maybe in a couple weeks he’ll be done, and then I can do one last read through before copyrighting it. I was hoping to have it published this month, but that’s not going to happen.

It’s all good though.

This weekend went super fast. I don’t know why the week seems to drag at times, yet the weekends fly by?

I spent most of my weekend finishing writing a chapter for my third book, going through edits, critiquing a chapter for my writing partner, going through her critique for that chapter in my third book, researching, starting the next chapter for my third book, and writing this blog. Not to mention, cleaning the house, doing laundry, going to the grocery store, doing dishes . . .

Does it ever slow down?


So Saturday I spent 12 hours doing my writing stuff, and on Sunday I basically did the same thing. Kevin and I were going to clean up the yard, but it was cloudy, windy, and nippily out, so we didn’t do that project. We also still have the porch to rebuild . . .

Well, mostly Kevin does, but I’ll help him if he needs me to. I don't mind.

On April 28th I’m going to be interviewing KC Blake. She’s a young adult writer who is writing a series. The series is called, ‘Witch-Game,’ and the book she’ll be promoting is called, ‘Witch Hunt.’ She’s starting her blog tour then, and I told her I’d interview her to help promote her book. I know it’s a month away, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.

I’m going to have to start coordinating a blog tour myself, as well as begin the whole marketing process.

I think I’ll hang back for a week or so before my book is published and do the marketing/promotion then so nobody will forget about it, and then . . .


My shiny new book will be winking at the world.

Of course I’ll do the blog tour before diving into the rest of the marketing process.

But we’ll see how it all plays out.

I also still want to do the book trailer, and that’s going to take a while to do. So I don’t know. But I’m sure everything will come together and it’ll all work out.

Anyway, I best be off to work. I’ll catch you guys later. :)
Rebekkah Ford