Release Blitz! Rise To Me by Shani Struthers

Title: Psychic Surveys Book Two: Rise to Me.
Genre: Paranormal Thriller.


“This isn’t a ghost we’re dealing with. If only it were that simple…”
Eighteen years ago, when psychic Ruby Davis was a child, her mother – also a psychic – suffered a nervous breakdown. Ruby was never told why. “It won’t help you to know,” the only answer ever given. Fast forward to the present and Ruby is earning a living from her gift, running a high street consultancy – Psychic Surveys – specialising in domestic spiritual clearance.
Boasting a strong track record, business is booming. Dealing with spirits has become routine but there is more to the paranormal than even Ruby can imagine. Someone – something – stalks her, terrifying but also strangely familiar. Hiding in the shadows, it is fast becoming bolder and the only way to fight it is for the past to be revealed – no matter what the danger.
When you can see the light, you can see the darkness too.
And sometimes the darkness can see you.


Born and bred in the sunny seaside town of Brighton, one of the first literary conundrums Shani had to deal with was her own name - Shani can be pronounced in a variety of ways but in this instance it's Shay-nee not Shar-ney or Shan-ni - although she does indeed know a Shanni - just to confuse matters further! Hobbies include reading and writing - so no surprises there. After graduating from Sussex University with a degree in English and American Literature, Shani became a freelance travel writer. Twenty years later, the day job includes crafting novels too.
She is the author of best-selling paranormal mystery - Psychic Surveys Book One: The Haunting of Highdown Hall - published by Crooked Cat in April 2014. Psychic Surveys Book Two: Rise to Me is available on March 19th 2015. Jessamine - a stand-alone paranormal mystery/romance set in the mysterious Highlands of Scotland and described as a ‘Wuthering Heights’ for the 21st century is also available from Amazon.

