Cover Reveal! Shattered Chances by #Author Addison Kline

Title: Shattered Chances
Author: Addison Kline

From Addison Kline's Breaking Black series, Randy and Cheyenne have had a tumultuous love affair spanning two decades. Meeting as teenagers, they were inseparable, until the impossible happened. Life had ripped them apart. Chance after chance, their love grew, but the pain intensified with each tear of their hearts. Life and a man named Trent Myers made sure that their path was steeped with treachery. Not everything is as it appears in this redemption love story of epic proportions.
"Every chance we had was shattered, only to allow us to build something more beautiful."

Addison Kline is an award winning, best selling novelist who writes mystery,
psychological thrillers and romantic suspense novels. She lives in
Pennsylvania with her husband, their sons and two rambunctious dogs.
Addison has had a love affair with the written word since before she
entered school. Her grandmother taught her the glory of taking an
adventure in the pages of a book. When Addison isn’t writing, you can
find her reading, going for an adventure with her sons, or traveling with her family.