Book Review On Reclaimed by E.D. Brady
Reclaimed is the second book in the Vistira Trilogy and it will not disappoint you.
Now for the review:

Vistira is a different realm parallel to ours with less than one hundred thousand people. There are no phones, no cars, no TV, etc. As the main character’s best friend Cappy (a.k.a. Catherine) would say, it sounds like Little House on the Prairie; however, Vistira is not quite as primitive. They do have electricity generated by windmills which gives them light at night. So they do have some technology, and it’s a wonderful and beautiful place to live. But the krogs who are creatures, built like a man, with greenish skin and freakishly strong, are planning to rule Vistira. They’ve been in hiding far too long and aims to change that. Filled with resentment and hate, they’re scheming to carry off the women who are at childbearing age, rape them, and build a race of half-breeds. Their leader Dinora is one, and her vision is clouded with revenge against the very people who turned a blind eye to her and denied her the warmth she so desperately craved when she was a young girl. So she will have her vengeance and create others like herself and a world where she can never be ostracized again.
But there’s a problem.
Her name is Annella Derlyn Kir, who is called Annie for short.
Annie is part of a prophecy and seems to be the only one who can stop the krogs from waging war against Vistira. But there is one huge, glaring obstacle she needs to conquer. The object to wield the power to halt these ghastly creatures resides in New York City. In the dimension she was once cast to by means of wicked magic. Annie is unsure she can bend the universe and create a doorway back into that realm. But she must try. The fate of her loved ones and everything dear to her rest in her hands.
Now, this is where the story gets really good, and my love for it grows even more.
Annie, her husband Kellus, and his brother Markum, makes it to New York. Annie is a nervous wreck because she’s afraid, though, it’s been eight months since she’s been gone, in this world it could be eight years. The time between worlds is goofy. However, to her relief she discovers she was only absent for seven days. Meanwhile, Kellus and Markum are wonderstruck by this world . . .
The vehicles.
What are those things?
They’re marvelous.
The buildings that reach up to the heavens.
What magic has made this stuff?
I throughly enjoyed their reaction to everything. I also got a kick out of Cappy’s attitude towards Annie’s explanation on why she disappeared and where she has been. Their conversation is hilarious, and when Cappy sees Markum . . . well, it’s great. She cracks me up and besides Cora (Annie’s younger sister), Cappy is one of my favorite characters.
The suspense grows from here and gets intense throughout the rest of this tale. I loved how it ended and how the author took care of each important character in a flawless, satisfying way. This is a wonderful book with a resounding message: love is the most magical thing in the universe.
You can purchase it here on Amazon: