
4/20/2012 0 Comments

Things seemed to have been kicked into high gear this week, and I don’t know why.

I’m doing the last touch-ups on my manuscript, but it seems like it’s taking forever. Also the company that’s going to be formatting my book needs to know when I’ll be sending it to them because spaces are filling up quickly for May.


I shot an email to them and said I’ll send my manuscript as soon as I can and to put me down for the end of May, just so they can pencil me in. I’m sure it’ll be done before then, but I wanted to give myself more time.

Oh, by the way, I got another testimony for the back cover of my book. Here it is:

"Beyond the Eyes is haunting yet passionate. This breakout novel is quick and hip, a saucy must-read."–Charles Land, Judas Pistol

Pretty cool, huh?

I thought of a great idea to put after the ending of, Beyond the Eyes –a sneak peek of my next book, Dark Spirits. I just have to figure out what scene to use that won’t give away too much information.

My wonderful cover artist has been patiently waiting for me to send her the blurb and testimonies for my book so she can finish the back cover. I was finally able to do that on Wednesday. However, I think she needs to wait until the formatting company gets the exact number of pages that’ll be in my book before she can finish what she needs to do.

As you can probably tell, I’m learning this stuff as I go. I’m hoping one day I’ll be able to help others through my own experience so it’ll be much easier for them when they go through it.

Anyway, I’m so glad it’s Friday. I have a ton of things to do this weekend besides my writing stuff. Fun things like vacuum and dust the house, laundry, grocery shopping, etc.

I’m not being sarcastic.


Rebekkah Ford