Book Feature-The Last Observer by Dr. G. Michael Vasey
Today I’m featuring a book that has captured my interest. Check it out.
The Last Observer is a compelling tale of magic, alternative

Dennis Wheatley brought up to date with a liberal spicing of speculation about the nature of reality, quantum physics and parallel worlds. This thriller novel is written by a practising occultist and it shows in the authenticity of every page. Highly recommended. ~ Herbie Brennan, New York Times best-selling author of Whisperers: The Secret History of the Spirit World.
Gary tells a classic tale of mystery and suspense but weaves within it a series of themes that would be at home in any modern physics text book. He masterfully uses his own extensive knowledge of modern magical rituals to create a tale that is both mysterious and intriguing. However the mystery soon gives way to something far more sinister and terrifying, a terror that explodes into a finale of epic proportions in which the fate of the universe itself is at stake. Once started this book cannot be put down and once finished you may just find yourself checking the shadows to catch a glimpse of the Lord of the Elements. ~ Anthony Peake, Author of Is There Life After Death? The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die and many other books
"The Last Observer" is an amazingly absorbing story about the nature of reality and it's manipulation. It focuses on Stan, a man who finds the world he can create in his head is far more satisfying than the mundane world we all live in, and how he gets drawn into a dangerous world where people want to use his imagination to change the reality we all know. While the story itself is very well written, with characters you can relate to from the start, what I found most intriguing was the application of quantum theory to place the more fantastical elements of the story into a rational, plausible plot without overwhelming the reader with jargon or feeling like it was jarring or detracting from the events going on around our lead characters. Indeed, this is the first fiction book in ages that has made me want to investigate a topic further. I love a book that draws you in and lets you submerge yourself in the world it creates around you, much like Stan, but this book had me actually leaning in, desperate to turn the page and find out more. For those of us of a magical persuasion, the concept of using the mind to change the reality around us is familiar, and Dr Vasey writes with authority about the techniques without getting bogged down in ritual for those who are unfamiliar with the practices. In short, this is a well written book that grabs you from the start and doesn't want to let you go. I can't wait for you all to read it and see how much it makes you question your own reality. "The Last Observer" will be published August 30th by Roundfire Books. Blessed be )0( ~ WitchHazel, The Adventures of WitchHazel
Dr. Gary (G.) Michael Vasey writes extensively across a number of disparate areas in which he has a passionate interest.
He is the author of over 200 articles and several books in the Energy & Commodities industry, two books of poetry, and several books about magic and our ability to shape our reality. He now lives in Prague in the Czech Republic, but is British by birth.
He also blogs at Asteroths Domain ( and The Mystical Hexagram ( on the nature of reality, esoteric sciences and magic, and about his adopted homeland at Discover The Czech Republic (
His website ( showcases his entire portfolio of writings across energy and commodities, poetry, the occult and esoteric, as well as articles about the Czech Republic.
Here's an excerpt. The formatting is goofy--at no fault to the author. The stupid computer/Blogger is to blame. :) However, it doesn't distract from the story.
Excerpt from chapter one:
A Dead Psychic
There was something remarkable about Michael Kent. His
crystal-clear and deep-set blue eyes, sunken into a pale and
haggard face, seemed to penetrate into the depths of your very
soul. He appeared to be capable of reaching inside of you so that
he could search through your entire contents without first having
had the courtesy to ask. Michael was a well-known psychic in
those parts. Locally famed, and at the same time loathed, for his
apparent ability to help the local constabulary solve unsolvable
crimes. Yet now he was an unsolvable crime himself.
Kent had been found dead just outside of his favorite pub, the
Rose and Crown. The back of his head caved in like a boiled egg,
and the contents of his larger-than-normal skull splattered about
the pavement. No one had seen how he had met this fate and the
local police remained stumped. Even in death, those eyes
glittered like opals as if taking in the entire world and reflecting
it back out again. His untimely death made the front page of the
local papers and had people whispering and gossiping for a few
days. Who had killed Michael Kent and why?
Edward sat reading the account of Michael’s death in an old
copy of that paper in a dimly lit and rather damp room of the
local library. Kent’s face stared out from the page and Edward felt
a strange sensation as if those eyes examined, and yes, even
judged him. For Edward, this strange and unsolved crime was
not an isolated incident but one of tens, or perhaps even
hundreds of similar murders that he had stumbled on almost by
accident. Psychics, it seemed, were dying in their droves and they
were dying strangely.
Edward leaned back in his creaky wooden chair and,
suddenly feeling as if his balance had been lost, he pushed
himself forward abruptly, attracting the disapproving looks of
his fellow library occupants. He went back over recent events
trying to convince himself that there surely couldn’t be anything
to this wave of psychic killings. However, something deep inside
told him there was.
Pre-order it at any online bookstore such as Amazon
On release available in print and all eBook formats.
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