Love Exactly by Cassandra Giovanni Release Tour
There’s a fantastic giveaway as part of this tour. If you want extra entries,what you'll need to do is hit each blog every day, search for the bold term in their post, then enter it into the rafflecopter. I have a list of those other blog sites at the end of this post, as well as the link to where you can enter.
Here's what you can win.

Author: Cassandra Giovanni
Published: June 20, 2013
Synopsis: Emma Walker was a writer who’d lost herself to someone else’s anger–who had given up on ever feeling like herself again.
Evan Levesque was a rock-god–the one all the woman wanted, but he’d never gotten used to the loneliness between the stage and real life.
With just one cup of coffee they’ll begin a journey of self-discovery at each others sides, but can Emma handle Evan’s fame while dealing with her own demons? Emma’s checkered personal past, a bad relationship that haunts the edges of her memories, threatens to make everything implode on them when Evan takes matters into his own hands.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words…they’ll destroy my soul–Can Emma handle being put back together and facing who she’s become because of it?
GENRE: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Mild to moderate sexual content
Book Links:
E-BOOK only $1.99 Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Kobo $12.99
I decided to interview Evan Levesque from Love Exactly. It’s kinda cute because he calls me Bekka instead of Rebekkah. The last time somebody called me that was when my older sister was four and couldn’t say Rebekkah, so she said "Bekka" instead.

Anyway, Evan was on the road traveling to his next big gig when I rang him up to do this interview.
Bekka: Hi, Evan. Thank you for joining me on my blog! Now, is Evan your real name. I know some artists sometimes change them...
Evan: Thanks Bekka for having me--yeah, that’s my real name.
Bekka: Did you always want to be a musician?
Evan: Pretty much--I’ve been playing since I could lift the mini-guitar my dad got me as a toddler.
Bekka: That’s so cute! So, do you only play guitar and sing?
Evan: I’m known for playing guitar and my voice, naturally, but I also play bass, drums and piano. I’m just not as good at it as the band members who always do it.
Bekka: Were you formally taught?
Evan: Actually, no. To be honest with you I can even read sheet music.
Bekka: What was the first thing you thought when you met Emma?
Evan: (Laughs) Err...well, she kind of rammed into me, so my first thought was ‘what the hell?’ My second thought was ‘ah, hell, she’s gorgeous.’
Bekka: (Smiles) When did you know you had a connection with her?
Evan: When her phone went off and it was me singing. She turned so many shades of red, but she remained so composed. I couldn’t believe she knew who I was and was acting so normal. I was sold then--I’ve never met anyone who treated me like a normal human being since I’ve been famous.
(I can hear the smile in his voice)
Bekka: Do you agree with the bad boy impression that people have of you?
Evan: From talking to me do you think I am?
Bekka: (Shakes head) No.
Evan: I like tattoos, sue me. I never really thought of the impression they’d give people when I got them; I just liked them. I was trying to be me.
Bekka: Speaking of you, how would you describe yourself?
Evan: I’m a thirty something year-old man pursuing his dream of music and trying to fit into a world that I don’t.
Bekka: What do you mean by that?
Evan: I love music. I don’t love fame.
Bekka: (Nods head) Sounds like you’re ready to call it quits?
Evan: Not at all--I love playing for an adoring crowd, but you can get that in a small town just as well. What I mean is, no offense, the media and interviews get tiring after a while--especially when everyone wants to know all the details of your life from when you brush your teeth to how often you have sex.
Bekka: (Raises eyebrows and coughs) How does Emma deal with the fame?
Evan: She’s been a real trooper, especially with the wedding planning. Everyone is up in her face, but she’s keeping calm and secretive.
Bekka: So when’s the big day?
Evan: That’s for me to know, and you to find out when it’s all done.
Bekka: Speaking of planning--I hear Emma is working on her next book in the series The Fall?
Evan: It’s going to be amazing--exactly what all the readers have been hoping for.
Bekka: So you've read Emma’s work?
Evan: Every last word.
Bekka: Do you ever give her pointers.
Evan: I like having my head on my shoulders, but yes sometimes I do.
Bekka: Is she really protective of her work?
Evan: Other people are going to tear her up as soon as it’s released...I understand her trying to keep it a secret until she’s done with it. I feel the same way about my music. Emma doesn’t hear it until it’s mostly done...well, not on purpose at least.
Bekka: Emma is from the East Coast, and you’re from the West Coast, who will relocate?
Evan: Emma will stay on the East Coast when I’m on tour and she can’t be with me. The rest of the time will be spent on the West Coast.
Bekka: Any plans for children?
Evan: We’ve talked about it, but we want to wait until both our careers hit a more calmer place. I’m getting old, but I’ve got a few years left.
Bekka: (Laughs) That’s great, thanks for joining us!
About The Author:

Cassandra is a freelance professional photographer known for her automotive, nature and architectural shots. She is the owner of Gio Design Studios, a photography and publication marketing company that designs covers and marketing materials for authors utilizing the company's photography. She is currently studying to receive a degree in Marketing. Cassandra is happily married to the man of her dreams and they live in the rolling hills of New England with the other loves of her life their dogs, Bubski and Kanga.
Goodreads Author Page
Here are the other tour stops with excerpts and interviews.
July 1:
Excerpt and Playlist
· Danielle--
Guest Post—Steamy Vs. Beautiful Sex Scenes
· Amy--
Review and Favorites Excerpt
· Anne-
Review and Interview
July 2:
· Maggie—
Review and Interview
· Tiffany--
Dream Cast
· My Guilty Obsession—
Review and My Favorite Excerpt (guest post/excerpt combo—my fav and why)
July 3:
· Julie--
Guest Post—Pros and Cons of being Self-Published
· Dee--
Review and Interview
· Faith--
Faith’s choice playlist and dreamcast
July 4:
. Nitzan-Katia Schwarz--
Character Interview—Evan
· Kimberely—
Guest Post—Making Sparks Fly
· Krystal--
Review and Evan’s Tattoo’s Guest Post
July 5:
· Tanya--
Guest Post-How I fell in love with writing again
· Martha--
· Mary Sue--
July 6:
· Nicole--
Character Top 10—Evan’s for writing music; Review
· Vanessa--
· Mandy--
Guest Post—YA Vs. NA
· Jessica Tornese--
Guest Post—Writing Rituals
July 7:
· Krista--
Review and favorites excerpt
· Kirsty--
Character Interview--Emma
· Christine--
Review, Excerpt and playlist
· Kylee--
Go to this link where the raffelcopter is to enter in this giveaway: