Chatting With Tree
Anyway, I haven’t spoken to Tree for a while now and thought I’d contact him to see how he was doing. I shared my conversation with him on Vashti’s blog and wanted to share it with you guys here as well. I know out of all my characters in my Beyond the Eyes trilogy, Tree ranks high on the favorite list for a lot of my readers. The following is a bit of information about him, just incase you haven’t read my books yet.
Tree is one of Paige’s (main character) best friends in the, Beyond the Eyes trilogy. He’s eighteen-years-old, six-foot five, though appears taller because he’s built like a bouncer, he has brown eyes and a bitchen black Mohawk. He’s the type of guy who would give you the shirt off his back. He’s also loyal and protective over his friends. He’s into comic book heros, guitars, punk rock, and cars. He’s a grease monkey-works for his dad who is the top mechanic in Astoria, Oregon, fixing vehicles. And he’s of German descent.
I decided to hook up with him again via webcam. We still had each other in our Skype account, so it was rather easy to do. In respect to the people who haven’t read this trilogy yet, and because The Devil’s Third won’t be out until later this year, I’ll be mindful in what to ask Tree.

Okay, I just ringed him up. Let’s get started.
Me: "Hi, Tree. How are you?"
Tree: "Hey, Rebekkah. Despite the major adjustments in my life, I’m doing well. Thank you." He shifts the black knit cap on his head and smiles. "How are you?"
Me: "Oh, I’m crazy busy, but that seems to be the norm lately."
Tree: (Nods.) "Tell me about it."
Me: "Did you shave your Mohawk off?"
Tree: (His hand flutters to his knit cap again. He touches it, then drops his hand in his lap. A frown mars his face.) "No, but your readers will find out what happened when they read The Devil’s Third."
Me: "You also found out some shocking info. about yourself. One could even go as far as to say, mind-blowing."
Tree: (Laughs.) "That’s putting it mildly."
Me: "So do you and Carrie plan on going to school in Portland, Oregon this fall?"
Tree: "I’m not sure. I’ll have to talk to her about it. I know my folks would be disappointed if I didn’t go, and the same with Carrie’s as well."
Me: "How are Paige and Nathan doing?"
Tree: (Smiles.) "They’re doing awesome. I think their relationship will be smooth sailing from here on out. So many things and people kept coming between them, but I think that’s over now."
Me: "Good to hear. What about Brayden?"
Tree: "I haven’t seen Brayden in a while. I’m sure I’ll see him again, because he’ll never give up on the possibility of having a relationship with Paige. He believes they were meant to be together. Period."
Me: "What do you think about it?"
Tree: (Shrugs.) "I really don’t know what to think. The way I see it is as long as Paige is happy and the guy treats her well, I’m good with it, otherwise, I’d have to kick his ass." He laughs.
Me: (I laugh along with him.) "You’re a good friend."
Tree: "Thanks. Paige is like a sister to me. She’s been alone most of her life. Her father died when she was four and as she got older, her mom stayed away from her. Carrie and I always kept an eye on Paige, though, she wasn’t quite aware of it. We also knew she had a lot of pent up emotions she needed to deal with. Thankfully, Nathan helped her confront and deal with all the hurt and sadness she had harbored inside herself for so long."
Me: (Grins.) "Yay! Nathan. He’s a good guy. I like him a lot. The other day I had a fan tell me Nathan scares him." I laugh.
Tree: (He raises his eyebrows and grins, laughter dancing in his eyes.) "Are you serious?"
Me: "Yes, I am. The person who told me that, mentioned what Nathan had done to Aosoth in Dark Spirits." I cup my hands around my mouth and stage whisper, "The toilet scene."
Tree: (He chuckles.) "I thought what Nathan did to that bitch was classic. She deserved much more than that for destroying Paige’s family and being flat out evil. Sometimes I think she’s worse than Bael."
Me: "Well, Bael is evil too, but it’s a subtle, darker kind, which to me is much worse."
Tree: "Good point. Cloaked evil is far worse."
Me: "Well, Tree, I suppose I should end this chat. I enjoyed visiting with you. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me."
Tree: "No problem. The feeling is mutual. Take care."
Me: "You too. Tell the gang I said hi."
Tree: (Smiles) "Will do."
love your blog!!!
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