Book Feature--Sci-Fi Fans Don't Want To Miss

Today’s book feature is Bygora Vandos~The Sinclair V-logs by the wonderful sci-fi author Merita King. This seems like an awesome book. Check it out. 

Introduction to The Sinclair V-Logs:

The Sinclair V-Logs is a series of personal video logs, made by Sam Sinclair, Freelance Law Enforcer with the Inter-Galactic Law Enforcement Agency. In his own words, Sam recounts the more memorable of his experiences during his twenty years working for the Agency. He shares his adventures with honesty and humour, and as he becomes comfortable telling his story, we learn more about the man himself. Despite the dangers of his profession, Sam is sensitive and dedicated to maintaining his own code of standards.

This second volume in the Sinclair V-Logs series sees Sam journey to Deligon 2, far across the galaxy. Sent on an undercover mission to investigate the Calmarin Research Station, he and his new partner soon discover something that endangers not only their own lives, but those of everyone on the planet.

Come, share the journey with Sam Sinclair.



Bygora Vandos ~ Sinclair V-Log LB734/A

Sam Sinclair didn’t usually play the role of detective. His job was just to chase and catch a specific target and deliver them into the hands of the Inter Galactic Law Enforcement Agency, so when his boss offered him an undercover job, he was only too happy to accept.

Together with his new partner Ren, Sam begins the slow process of investigating the secluded and secretive Calmarin Research Station. Although set up to apparently investigate the cause of dying trees in the locale, rumours run rife among the local people about what really goes on there. What Sam and Ren discover after weeks of carefully working their way in, is one of the most terrible crimes against humanity that either of them have ever encountered and both vow to do their utmost to bring it to an end.

Sam finds many allies amongst the local people but with his cover blown and Ren taken prisoner, he no longer knows who can be trusted. As the job reaches its explosive climax and the personal cost to Sam takes its toll, the shocking truth finally comes out.



Where to purchase Bygora Vandos:

For paperbacks:
Amazon usa -

Amazon uk -

For E-books:
Amazon usa -

Amazon uk -

Contact Merita:
Merita King’s website –

Merita King on Facebook –

Merita King on Twitter –


Merita King has loved the science fiction and fantasy genre in both books and movies since she was a young child. She has been greatly inspired by years of watching movies and reading books and has wanted to contributed to this genre for many years. Her stories all contain a spiritual thread as she believes that spirituality is universal and crosses all boundaries. She believes that the creative process is largely intuitive and can be very effectively blocked by too much pre-planning. "Plot lines, characters and events all come to me intuitively," she says, "and this makes the act of writing a constant pleasure." She is a psychic medium and lives alone in Hampshire, UK.

Rebekkah Ford