Ameerah. Cover Reveal and More! #Author Rebekkah Ford

Ameerah will be coming out at the beginning of 2016. The manuscript is in edits right now, but the peeps who have read the story so far has loved it and all say that this story will take you on one hell of a ride, which of course delights me.

If you haven’t signed-up for my newsletter, now is the chance to do so. I just sent the first chapter of Ameerah’s story to the peeps who have joined, and less than an hour later, I received feedback from one member that she loves it and wants to read more.

I’ll be sending a hilarious chapter in the future to my subscribers, along with updates and news on my other books.

Anyway, I thought I’d share with you the cover and some teasers. Btw, Ameerah was a flapper gal in 1925, I plan to do a post on that era, so stay tuned. J

Rebekkah Ford