Shadow People

What are they?
What’s going on?
When my parents were married, they were the directors of the UFO Investigator’s League in Fairfield, Ohio. Not only did they investigate anything that had to do with UFOs/extraterrestrial, they also took on paranormal cases and Bigfoot sightings as well. So I basically grew up in a household that dealt with the unknown, and we’ve had our fair share of personal experiences. One of them was shadow people.
I read a similar post on this subject, and the same theories apply now as they did before, so I shall repeat them in my own fashion, to let you know what they are:
1.) Trickery
Your mind is playing tricks on you. But is it just your imagination? Maybe so, but how come more than one person has reported the same phenomenon? I’m sure in some cases you might be seeing things, but I don’t think it’s a mass illusion which causes hundreds if not thousands of people to see shadowy figures. Ya know what I’m saying?
2.) Dark Spectral Beings
These entities are not Casper the friendly ghost. Sometimes they present themselves in a hooded cloak and some people have seen them with red eyes. When I was a small child, I saw one of those figures while I was trying to go to sleep. I thought it was a witch because I used to have the same dream over and over again of a hooded figure standing in a dark forest, beckoning me to come to it. The memory of the shadow person is vague; however, I do recall going into my sister’s room and crawling in bed with her. I also remember her asking me what was wrong, and I told her I saw a witch. Since my sister is four years older than I, she remembers more details of that time in our life. She told me she saw the same figure float down the hall towards my room, so she knew what I was talking about. We still wonder to this day if this being was extraterrestrial rather than a spirit or demon.
3.) Astral Travelers

4.) Parallel Universes
There are universes/dimensions parallel to ours. We are in the third dimension, btw. If you get into quantum physics, it’s amazing what they’re discovering. Some theorists think these shadow people are interdimensional.
In the same house my sister and I saw the hooded figure, some of the following things happened:
Items would go missing, then reappear in the same spot as they were before.
My parents left a tape recorder on one night, went to bed and played it the next morning. They were amazed to have captured what sounded like a lively party going on in our house.
Another time, my mom heard a couple arguing about their 17-year-old son in our kitchen. Their bickering became so loud my mom had to scream for them to shut up.
They did.
So was the figure floating down our hall from another dimension?
Who knows?
Like I said . . . it could have been alien since my parents were one of the top investigators in the UFOlogy field.
Anyway, throughout my life I've seen shadowy figures. I don’t know what they are, but so far as an adult I haven’t felt like they were evil.

Hey! Maybe I can do a devil’s snare like Dean and Sam Winchester and trap one. Ya think? :)