Happy 2022!


Wow, is 2021 really over with?

Just when we thought we were almost home free, news about Betty White passing on punched me right in the gut. 😭

What about you?

Did you feel the same crushing blow?

I think a lot of people did.

I know she’s with her beloved husband now and she’s happy, but damn, I wasn’t expecting that.

Also, my great aunt Pat crossed over on Christmas Eve . . .

. . . So, 2021 was a sucky ass year full of loss, anxiety, stress, tears, and fear, but it was also full of growth, beauty, and amazing manifestations.

BUT, I do not want to ever repeat that year or anything remotely close to it (do you hear that my higher self and Universe?).

Yesterday morning, the sun was out, so we went to the beach and got some ocean vibes, which was nice. 

In the afternoon, I cleaned the whole house, Kevin washed the bedsheets and saged and Palo Santo every room in our house.

Yeah, we weren’t fucking around here folks. 😂

We wanted to make sure whatever negative and/or stagnant energy was in the house would leave the house. We even opened the kitchen window so the energy had a way to escape our wonderful home.

And let me tell ya . . .

. . . After everything was done, it felt so much cleaner, fresher, and better in every room.

I also performed a simple burning ritual last night, which was writing down everything I wanted to release that didn't serve me. I burned it, and then on a separate piece of paper, I wrote down what my heart desires for 2022 and burned that as well. I then released the ashes outside, allowing the breeze to carry out my intentions to the Universe, God, Source, or however you want to define it.

If anything, it felt good to do and was fun.

Today the sun is out again, and we were able to get outside in nature to enjoy it and the sunshine.

Life is good.

I did notice a bit of anxiety inside me, but I’m learning how to embrace it and not push it away because when you push the anxiety away, it locks inside your body. Just allow it but don’t attach yourself to the feeling. Instead, observe it because that feeling is not you. Your true self is always happy, relaxed, and is love. Feelings that are the opposite of what you truly are come from the human mind, the ego-mind. Recognize it, but don’t identify with it. So that’s what I’ve been doing.

Anyway, there’s one thing I need to take care of in my life and once I do, everything else will fall into place, and that can happen any minute now.

I'm excited! 😂

May 2022 be an amazing year for me and YOU!

Cheers, my friends!  🥂

Rebekkah Ford