I'm Alive


Hello. Hello.

I know. I know. 🙄

It’s been a long-ass time.

I still love you, though. 🤗

There’s so much to tell you . . .

I’ll do my best to make it short.

Oh, but before I begin, if you’re a subscriber to my newsletter, then you already know how I’ve been.

If you’re not a subscriber, then what are you waiting for?

Here’s the link to subscribe. http://rebekkahford.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=06bbb5773fe9e17e6ba0e860e&id=51f0af6e94

Don’t worry.

I’m not a twat.

I won’t spam you.


So, we’re still living on the Southern Coast of Oregon and fucking love it here. 🥰

I can’t believe we live here.

We explore and go on adventures all of the time. 🧭

I have so many amazing pictures, you guys.

If you want me to share some of them with you, I will.

I got rid of our Exploring Rabbit Holes website, which was a huge bummer, but the cost to run it was too much, and since we stopped doing van life, there was no need to have it up.

What I need and plan to do is build an author website for my books.

That’s one of my goals this year.

I just can’t decide how I want it to look. 🤔

It’ll come to me one of these days.

During Covid, which we’re still in (when will it end?), I started a new paranormal book series, but if you read my last post, you already know that.

The first book (The Last O’Clery Witch) is done.

It’s the longest book I’ve ever written. 

The word count was 115,899! 😬

I’m starting on the third rewrites this weekend and already have the word count reduced to under 100,000 words. 

Yay! 😁

I have a secret reader who read the rough draft and loves the story, which is cool. 

The Last O’Clery Witch is a fun story, and I’m not saying that because I wrote it. 

It is fun to read. 

It is. 

I plan on getting an agent for this book because I want the experience. 

The second book to Legends of Deceit is written and needs to go to my wonderful editor, but right now I don’t have the resources to publish it, so we wait until everything falls into place.

It seems like that’s all I’ve been doing is waiting.

It’s really getting old.

Oh, another thing that has happened since I last posted here is my father-in-law crossed over in January. 😢

He got Covid, then pneumonia, and now he’s not here.

His passing was tougher than I thought it would be.

This month, I lost a really good friend to cancer.

She went quick – too quick.

I miss her a lot. 😔

So far, 2021 has been filled with loss, more self-discovery, new adventures, beauty, love, happiness, wonder, sadness, dark thoughts, positive thoughts, crazy-cool manifestations, creativity, growth, learning to be patient with the way things are, and trusting that our wellbeing is taken care of.  

We’ll see how the rest of this year goes, but I am in the clarity business . . .

What I do is, I get really clear and really happy, and good things come to me. 😉

Have a wonderful and magickal ✨weekend and week, my friends.


Cheers! 🥂


Rebekkah Ford