
6/10/2013 , , 3 Comments

Aosoth is a female dark spirit in my Beyond the Eyes Trilogy. She’s downright wicked and not in the cool sense. Evil comes in many forms and she’s blatant about it, whereas Bael is subtle and underhanded. She has destroyed Paige’s family and loathes her.

Aosoth is narcissistic, self-centered, crafty enough to never have been cast out of a soulless human, hedonistic, infatuated with Bael, tends to be stupid and annoying.

In The Devil’s Third, the reader will discover something about Aosoth’s life, that will gain further insight into her character.

Here’s a picture of the lady Aosoth was possessing. You can see the whole process taken place. This lady is soulless btw.

Are you freaked out?

Don’t be.

My trilogy isn’t a horror story. It’s paranormal with a new twist in that genre.

Anyway, quick subject change . . . As you can see I managed to put navigation tabs in my blog.


They’re kinda generic, but it’ll work until a blog designer can do her magic on it. :)

Rebekkah Ford


  1. That picture is fa-ree-ky!

  2. Brilliant idea to focus on your character Aosoth. Interesting and creepy character. Great post!
