Tsunami Warning. Evacuation. Oh My.

Tsunami Warning. Evacuation. Oh My.

Written By Rebekkah Ford

 Last Thursday (December 5, 2024), my coworker Susan and I were in a town thirty minutes away from our office, shopping for baby items to give to one of our resource parents (foster parents) who will be taking care...

Where Has the Time Gone?

Where Has the Time Gone?

Written By Rebekkah Ford

 Dude, I haven’t posted a blog post in almost a year. 😮Omg, where has the time gone?I know. I know. 🙄Most of us always say: where has the time gone?But, seriously. I should post more here or get rid of my...

Happy New Year 2024!

Happy New Year 2024!

Written By Rebekkah Ford

 HAPPY NEW YEAR, PEEPS!Can you believe it’s 2024?WTF!?When I was younger, I never thought we’d get here.What about you?And it’s the year of the dragon, too! 🐉How cool is that?I’m excited to see how this year unfolds.I hope all of...

Book News!

Book News!

Written By Rebekkah Ford

 Hey Peeps!I have book news, but before we get to that . . . . . . Where in the bloody hell have I been? I mean, it’s been a while since I posted here.I know.I know. In this post, I will...

Happy 2022!

Happy 2022!

Written By Rebekkah Ford

 Wow, is 2021 really over with? Just when we thought we were almost home free, news about Betty White passing on punched me right in the gut. 😭What about you?Did you feel the same crushing blow?I think a lot...

This Has Been A Challenging Year

This Has Been A Challenging Year

Written By Rebekkah Ford

 I know it’s been over six months since I wrote on this blog, but it’s been a challenging year. Honestly, this year has sucked ass.Seriously.2021 for us has been full of loss, struggles, anxiety, instability, blah, blah, blah.BUT on...

I'm Alive

I'm Alive

Written By Rebekkah Ford

 Hello. Hello. I know. I know. 🙄 It’s been a long-ass time. I still love you, though. 🤗 There’s so much to tell you . . . I’ll do my best to make it short. Oh, but before I...

New Book and Life Update

New Book and Life Update

Written By Rebekkah Ford

 It’s been a few months since I last posted in here, and I wanted to give you a quick update on what’s been going on. Right now, we’re dealing with the horrible wildfires.We now live on the southern coast...